Steampunk lives again

The long awaited second volume of Valves & Vixens, an anthology of steampunk erotica, is finally out from House of Erotica. It’s already available at, Amazon.UK and All Romance ebooks. Once again edited by Nicole Gestalt, this collection includes my story “CLOCKWORK TOYS”. You can read more on all of the stories here. Here…

Finding your billionaire

One of the current vogues in erotica and romance is billionaires. Another author I’ve worked with, Nicola Nichols, has launched a three part series about a woman’s search for her own billionaire. She started with the knowledge that there are now over 1000 billionaires in the world, and combined that with the theory of six…

The Uncertain (Marketing) Landscape of Eros

The romance and erotica world stays in constant flux and one big reason is the unreliable wielding of power that Amazon exerts over our lives. Unable or unwilling to establish clear guidelines for authors to follow in writing blurbs, making covers and even content of their books. A book that has been fine for years…

Volume 2 of Valves and Vixens

Volume 2 of the Valves & Vixens steampunk erotica anthology will be coming out from House of Erotica soon and will include my story CLOCKWORK TOYS.  Nicole Gestalt, the editor got so many hot stories in response to her call for the anthology that she had to make a second book. While you wait for…

Voices of Erotica

I’m excited that two more of my titles, quite different stories, are now available. Erratic Erotica is a collection, containing a short story, erotic poetry, a story that becomes a play and then a story again, and lots of interesting takes on what I consider erotic. It’s 45 minutes of fun and only $3.46. Lynn…

The View

What we think of things often depends on how we view them. Our view filters things, changes their meaning, or at least colors our interpretation of things. So perspective should never be underestimated. When it comes to sex and passion, there are many ways to see things. That is the premise of my story THE…

Fantasies and escaping into them

On September 5th Totally Bound is releasing my erotic historical Western short story (15,000 words) called The Waystation. (It’s actually available for early download now!). The story involves a menage and I was invited to contribute a piece to Lucy Walton’s column at Female First on the subject of escaping into erotic fantasies. What writer of erotica could resist the chance to…

Audiobook reviewers

Reviews wind up being important to writers. They provide feedback, and apparently do sell books. Audiobooks are becoming an important way to reach readers, but I find few reviewers willing to tackle audio books. Or perhaps the number of reviewers hasn’t caught up with the trend yet. Whatever the issue, I am trying to find…

Paranormal Erotica

A NEW RELEASE OF PARANORMAL EROTICA SPRING TIDE Carl loves Paula, but she wants passion… powerful emotions and sensations. She dreams of the intensity of lust of the ancient myths. Can she find what she wants on a tropical island at the peak of the rare, but powerful, proxigean tide? A story of the paranormal….

Roaring Twenties Erotica

House of Erotica has just released a new anthology Flappers, Jazz and Valentino Is it not enough to lead my son into wild ways without teaching my daughter the tango? – Dona Luisa, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Step back in time to a decade full of glamour, glitz and decadent sin with this…

Enjoy Summer Sensations With Totally Bound

Originally posted on The (Really) Naughty Corner:
Looking for the hottest beach reads of the summer? Like to get them at a bargain price? Want the chance to win a Kindle Fire? Then you need to check out the Totally Bound site between today and August 15th. Every day, they’ll have a different offer on…